Finally a Home
My scrapbooks finally have a home on a real shelf! We went to IKEA this week and stocked up on the Expedit series of white shelves for my office: one of these, two of these, and while we were at it, one of these for the living room.

I know I'm not the first to discover these fantastic shelves for scrapbooks and scrapbook supplies (I'm probably the LAST scrapbooker to actually buy them, see here, here, here, here and here just to point out a few), but they truly work perfectly. Love them. Each cube fits about 3 or 4 scrapbooks and I have plenty of room to grow! (that's the main thing). After 8 years of scrapbooking, I counted 20 full-sized albums and 10 mini-albums, and I've got a lot of livin' and scrapbooking left to do!

And now I can say we've finally moved into our house (just over a year after we actually moved), now that the cardboard boxes and rubbermaid tubs of books and scrapbooks are safely displayed on shelves and not sitting on my office floor. Whew. Feels good.
2 comments so far:
elizbailey said:
Your shelves look great!
Prlinehan said:
Very nice
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