One Week In...

A little bit of reflective rambling about the first week of school:

Admittedly, I like schedules. I like routine. I like to know what to expect.   However, I also like to think I'm pretty good at being flexible and going with the flow when necessary (that's what makes trips like this work!) But, overall--I think schedules and routines are good and they generally suit me well.

So, imagine my surprise, when this first week of school came around and actually got going...I've found that I'm a little bit out-of-sorts and...bored(!).  Getting up at 6am everyday and completing about 15 tasks by the end of breakfast had been WAY forgotten over this wake-up-late, get dressed when you feel like it, watch-a-lot-of-television summer. 

I've noticed that I've spent a good part of each day this week making sure I'm ready for the next section of the day--which means I'm wandering a little aimlessly inbetween because my mind won't focus on what I could be doing NOW. 

It's funny, because I dread the summer arrival when both kids will be home ALL DAY EVERY DAY, all the fighting, the noise, the messes, and overload of kid-themed activities.  I anticipate with excitement when they'll head back to school to see their friends and go to their classes.  I'm thrilled that I'll have more quiet work time by myself, and that then I can focus, create, and produce more easily.

So, how come now that I have all this quiet, my brain feels like mush and I can't focus on anything?  Waking up too early? Too many days of exercise? Too much schedule to keep straight? By 3:00 when Ayla comes home and Paxton wakes up from rest time, all I want to do is stretch out on the couch and veg out till bedtime.

I'm sure this feeling will pass quickly - it always does, and then I'll be back to my get-er-done self, but for this week, I think I spent a lot of time with a blank stare on my face! 

So, I'm wondering if anyone else goes through a week or two of bewilderment at the beginning of each school year?


5 comments so far:

acmickelson said:

Yep, I go through it for a full two weeks at the beginning of summer break and when school starts up again. That's a MONTH lost of productive time!

JessicaP said:

Thats where I am right now as well...and our school breaks are shorter than yours! Feeling lazy & unproductive has been my MO lately, I'm going to really try to snap out of it next week because I'm slowly making myself crazy!!!

Prlinehan said:

and by the way, the thought of having a high schooler and a toddler is making my head spin a little...

Prlinehan said:

I have a love/hate things with summer & back-to-school. By May, I'm always excited for Summer and some time to be unscheduled and free to come and go whenever. Then, August hits and I am just itching to get some sort of structure to my days. It'll be different this year with a 2 1/2 hour stretch where the older 3 are in school and Levi will be napping. I am almost giddy at the thought of it!

OtherAylasMommy said:

I absolutely feel the same way! I remember the feeling from last year too so I have tried to give myself permission this week to feel lost. But I still feel unproductiver. A friend on FB, who has gone through the experience more than we have, said it well, "I am always thrown off by the feeling I get when the kids first go back to school...that feeling of 'hey, I actually have a chance to pause...and think about life and work and what domestic priority might emerge...hmm, laundry or dog poop? I'm going to think a while longer..."

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